Monday, July 26, 2010


We had our 20 week ultrasound this week, and it was amazing!  This actually wasn't my first ultrasound (we had one to confirm the pregnancy and then another a few days later to determine gestational age both resulting in photos of tiny blobs that didn't really resemble anything but ...well tiny blobs), but it was the first ultrasound where you can see that a little baby is definitely taking shape (with the cutest lips and nose!).  Here I post a few photos from the different ulstrasounds:
1st UltraSound from April
(determined to be about 6 weeks along)

3rd UltraSound from July
(about 20 weeks along)
I'll have to go back for another ultrasound at my next appointment, because the technician wasn't able to determine something specific about the heart - nothing to worry about yet...Baby B was just too wiggly to get a good look at that.  Even though I'm sure my insurance won't cover the next ultrasound, I'm happy to have another look at the babe in a few weeks!  It was so fun to see it moving around.  That reminds me, I've also been starting to feel movement!  I first noticed it last Saturday when I was driving.  I felt this little jab below my belly button - and that's pretty much where I've been feeling it since.  During the ultrasound, we could see baby's feet, arms and legs moving around, and every now and then I'd feel one of the movements while actually seeing it - so cool!

At this time, we could find out the gender (i.e., an educated guess of the gender), but we decided not to.  I was content not finding out the gender until the birth, that is until my husband reminded me that I don't like surprises...and ever since he said that, I've wanted to know(!!).  Of course, he's teasing me - but I am the type of person that likes to skip to the back of a book just to see what happens (I'll still read everything in between!).  However, I've been pretty good about not skipping ahead with the last few books I've, I should be OK not knowing Baby B's gender. Apparently it is written down in our chart, though - if I could just get my hands on that...!

Up until the last ultrasound, my guess is that we're having a girl.  We already have a boys name picked out, and I have many MANY girls names picked out that I keep running by Brandon.  So far, he likes only one of them - haha just one!  But, it's my favorite of the bunch so that's good :)

At Mrs. C's (teehee!) suggestion, I've also obtained and started writing in "The Belly Book" to chronicle how the pregnancy is going.  I've only gotten to spend a few hours actually writing in it, but I can tell that I'm really going to have a blast writing and putting photos in it throughout the rest of the pregnancy.


  1. you have a beautiful baby in there!!! :) and am i "mrs. c?" LOL!!! that's so weird, but awesome :) have fun with your belly book!!!!!!

  2. I agree with Mel! What a beautiful little one!!! I already cannot wait to meet the little bundle of joy :)

    I know I've said this before, but you are going to make an exceptional mother! You too, Mel!!!!

    So happy for you :)

  3. yes, you're Mrs. C, Mel! I had so much fun at your baby shower :) your photos of the nursery are so fun - all the baby stuff is just too cute!

    thanks, Brandie! you're so sweet :) it was so good seeing you last week!
