Wednesday, November 4, 2009

love my family! Comps Exam is Friday at 1pm (mark your calendar to send me positive vibes). I sent a note out to my family about it last week, and today I received a care package from my brother and his family (they live in NY) filled with delicious butterscotch oatmeal cookies (two bags!) and a handmade card from my adorable nephew.

It says "Good luck. Love, Drew" inside haha

My parents are coming tomorrow from Ohio so they can see my Comps presentation on Friday. I think they will also be sticking around for the questions. I'm super nervous about this exam, but I'm really happy that my 'rents will be there - they can see what I have been doing with my life! They've always been soooo supportive and encouraging, which is something I thrive on. I think my hubby will also be making an appearance. I hear Colin Cowherd from ESPN is going to be at the HUB, though, around the same time as my defense so we'll see if he shows up for my presentation. haha

...can't wait for Friday to be much to do before then!

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